bitview - my actual website - newgrounds - twitter - friendproject - spacehey
welcome to sleepyshinpi's all might shrine! here you will see my favorite character of all time, ALL MIGHT! you may be wondering, "stanley, why do you like this 50+ year old man from an anime?" or "stanley, why did you make a shrine for him?" i'll gladly answer!
- my reason why i made this site is because it could separate my spacehey blog post for my all might shrine! plus... i made this site to annoy that girl who judged/bullied me for simping for all might, i hope you're happy about this, tics and roses wannabe!
- now "why does stanley simp for a old man"... i just do dude. i think he's handsome, beautiful and cute! i think he's very attractive in my eyes.
i hope you'll like this random site stanley made for fun! if you like this, you can add me on my socials and interact with me more!
- Stanley